Every time I hear your voice and see your smile I think, “it’s gonna to be all right”. In fact, I’m convinced there’s something in your calming cheery influence that actually helps make it all right. This Forum is a great idea. I totally agree with Jay that those “drive-by conversations” are an vital part of the essential Winni experience. But I also agree that a “camper list” with email addresses and phone numbers would be particularly valuable RIGHT NOW when it’s so difficult to have those drive-by conversations. I’m feeling a bit cut off because I don’t have anybody’s contact information. I suppose I could just post that here: 2cShay@gmail.com
(so if you want “to see Shay” - it looks like that’s an active link!)
Or, if you want to text Chris: 203-592-8659.
I’m also wondering if one of your brilliant young techies could put together a “Forum Tutorial” for us dinosaurs before we become totally extinct. I’m trying to evolve and “journey further out” and adapt to this new technology, but I’m definitely in over my head.
If this was an actual in person “drive-by” I could just say “thank you Rosie”.
Why thank you Chris!!! It has been my delight in seeing you as well, I do love the windows in your home.. yes all those years working with deaf students has made me a much more visual observer, smile.
We will be collecting info and once compiled will be sending out the contact list to all who signed up on the mail/contact list - link on the first page under
'Before you go!' It may take a short time, but I promise you will get it. smile
Be sure to do that as well as the survey. smile.
I feel this is just the beginning of a new world of connection through JFO.
sending hugs,
Rosie. :)